Dating with Purpose and Purity

The purpose of Dating should be to develop a friendship with somebody with the purpose to find "The Right Person" who will be your future spouse...

Dating with Purity is really important because this is going to help you find the "The Right Person" on this overly sexual saturated society, is somebody is going to be with you waiting to have sex until marriage this is a clear sign that he or she is interested on you as a person way beyond sex... and they want to develop a good relationship first, which is the foundation for a good marriage and you can have a really fun time together, without the implications of having sex when you are not ready for the consequences... through this waiting time you both become a person who respects and  protects sex precisely because it's so valuable, beautiful and wonderful... if you experience it in a safe environment of a marriage relationship.

They are another two reasons of why it is important to wait to have sex until marriage, they are: Health  and Emotional reasons...we are going to post more information about this a little later... 

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